Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Google Map API

So I decided to give the google map api a shot. I have to usually trace out a lot of maps ( which is a pain in the a#* ) so I thought what if I could just simply use the google map api and use javascript and flash to add more logic to the application.

Here is a real basic sample that google generates when you sign up for a key. I am waiting for them to make a web service so that we can use it directly in flash. Now that would be something :).

google map api example


Read only properties in AS2

Since there is no final keyword in AS2 making public class properties read only is a little tricky.
class Color{
public static var BLACK:Number=0x000000;

but this is unsafe as the user can change this property.


Therefore to make it read only we can simply declare it as a get method and no set method.

class Color{
public static function get BLACK():Number{
return 0x000000;

Now if the user tries to set this property


the compiler will generate an error.


ASWing Developer

So I finally decide to put myself to good use and joined the ASWing project which is a open source ActionScript GUI Framework based on the java swing project . Although I have been a flash developer /designer for the Purdue Homeland Security Institute for over 3 years, this is my first open source project and so far its been good. The developer team looks solid and iiley has got a good architecture for the components.
What I like about the core objects is that they do not extend the MovieClip object but use composition for the main Component class which is the base for all components. This framework should be easier for java swing developers to follow. More information can be found about the ASWing project at


Hello Blog

This is my first blog post . Just testing it out .
